Cut to the chase.
Release habitual patterns.
Move toward freedom with confidence and clarity.

Let’s Dance

Discover Soul Motion® Next Steps

“Soul Motion is a conscious dance practice that views creativity as an inherent expression for every body.” ~Vincent Martínez-Grieco, Designer

Welcome to Next Steps, a contemplative movement practice and technique that evolved from Soul Motion®. I have been dancing, praying, musing, and playing within this body/mind for a long time with the blessings and grace of many teachers and movement traditions.

I remain grateful.

Meet Vincent

I'm a dance teacher and a spiritual practitioner. My classes will offer you a map for how to use contemplative dancing to explore your body, mind and breath in a conscious, mindful, healing, and joyful way.

I keep it humorous, open hearted, and safe for all levels of experience and body types. All are welcome.

I want to assist students in relaxing into their everyday creativity. Everyone dances, and as you work these techniques, you will access an interior body intelligence that will shape & inform your expression.

Take the Next Steps

Four decades of studying and teaching - modern and jazz dance, improvisational movement theatre, aerobics, 5Rhythms, and Soul Motion - has showed me a constancy in orientation and an understanding of energetic internal atmospheres. It was from this that emerged Next Steps.

These Next Steps practices and techniques will find a home with yogic asana practitioners because we share many philosophies, perspectives, and mindful practices.

Inspired by "Embrace Yoga's Roots", my teaching style is to Listen, Uplift, Educate, and Agitate.

What People Are Saying

“Thank you Vincent… I loved the words & movement. Just think, if everyone was in their visceral body, the world would thrive… Much gratitude for your work & life that you’re sharing.”

— Maarifa S.

“There is a joy that comes with moving during class and a satisfaction of having spoken through form. Many thanks to Vincent for being there and guiding us with such generosity.”

— Nina

“I experience these teachings as a map for how to use free dance to explore the body in a conscious, contemplative, meaningful, healing, and joyful way… Thank you so much for all that you do and give.”

— Pamela

Delight in these online classes and offerings

Attend my live classes, download previous recordings or sample some audible inquiries.